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TAK Rising: How a Common Operating Picture Platform Transforms Cross-Agency Interoperability


Ken Rehbehn  (Principal Analyst, CritComm Insights)


Charles Laird  (Program Specialist, Div. of Broadband and Digital Equity, NC Department of Information Technology)

Jared VandenHeuvel  (Director, Public Safety Solutions, Texas Department of Public Safety)

Location: W230B

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 10:10 am - 11:10 am

Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications

Topic: Drones, Interoperability, Situational Awareness, TAK

Format: Panel Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Team Awareness Kit (TAK) adoption is growing in North America and abroad. This panel examines how and why TAK has a critical role in dispersed team operations in law enforcement, fire/rescue, large sporting events, community fairs, and more.

Topics addressed include the TAK Common Operating Picture (COP) capabilities, TAK practices that enable secure ad-hoc interoperability between collaborating teams, and the future of TAK as situational awareness technologies evolve with drones, UAS, air/maritime tracking, and sensor networks.