Ken Rehbehn, Principal Analyst, Critical Communications Insights, LLC
Ken Rehbehn is a principal analyst at CritComm Insights and CIVTAK24 Conference Organizer. As a wireless technology analyst, Ken delivers industry analysis addressing the international landscape of systems, networks, professional services, devices, and applications that provide a thriving public safety/industrial communications innovation ecosystem. He tracks changes in mobile broadband network evolution (LTE, 5G), critical communications group voice (3GPP Mission-Critical Push-to-Talk, DMR, TETRA, and Project25), mobile-enabled Situational Awareness Solutions (digital command, ATAK, iTAK, WinTAK), NG9-1-1/112, Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) spectrum issues, and public safety/industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Ken combines decades of experience in data communications technology with an extensive background as a former 9-1-1 dispatcher and paramedic. He is currently an active firefighter/EMT with Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Services in Bethesda, Maryland.
- Broadband Interoperability – Closing the Loop of Interoperable Communications
- Connecting the Rings: LA28 Communications Challenges & Opportunities
- Football Frequencies: Is North America Ready for FIFA World Cup?
- Lessons Learned: Delivering Best-of-Breed MCPTT Experience for the First Responders on FirstNet
- Team Awareness Kit (TAK) and PACE: Leveraging the Full Spectrum of Communications Solutions for Data Interop Resilience