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In-Building Wireless Part 2: The Case for Competency


Seth Buechley  (CEO, Cathedral Consulting)


Chip Hollis  (Vice President, Credentials, NICET)

Cesar Ruiz  (President & CEO, The Learning Alliance Corporation)

Kevin Rulapaugh  (Comm Spec., FL MARC System Coord./ PS Comms Chair, FL Div. of State Fire Marshall / FL Fire Chiefs Assoc.)

Jeff Silveira  (Director of Standards, BICSI)

Location: W230C

Date: Tuesday, March 26

Time: 10:20 am - 11:20 am

Track: In-Building Wireless

Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Funding, Regulatory, System Resiliency

Format: Panel Session

Vault Recording: TBD

The discussion continues where we left off in Part 1: The Current State
In-building solutions frequently rely upon over-the-air signal booster technology. According to the FCC, "Signal booster systems play a crucial role in allowing public safety first-responders to communicate in buildings, tunnels and other areas where signals would normally be blocked." and, "We find that allowing third parties to operate signal boosters with express licensee consent serves the public interest by promoting reliable communications, particularly reliable public safety communications."

The workforce that designs, installs, and maintains this technology must be competent for a variety of reasons:
1. Poorly designed or deployed solutions can interfere with public safety and cellular networks.
2. It is difficult for competent contractors to compete with inexperienced or incompetent contractors who may propose less expensive, poorly designed, or inadequate systems/
3. Building owners wind up holding the bag for cost overruns, FCC violations, and liability.
4. Authorities having Jurisdiction lack the expertise to distinguish competent from incompetent contractors, wasting resources and confusing best practice consistencies.

There are three primary challenges the ecosystem must solve:
1. Workforce development – how can companies identify, hire ,and train the right people?
2. How can we certify and credential a competent workforce so the wheat can be distinguished from the chaff?
3. How can we develop competency training programs at scale?

This Part 2 of 3 sessions features the perspectives of the stakeholders affected by this issue, as well as those attempting to address it. For information on part 3, click here.

This session has been approved by the The Florida Department of Financial Services (FCDICE) for one class-hour of continuing education units (CEUs).