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Drone Operations from the Local Fair to the Big Game


Travis Hull  (Domain Lead, User Experience, First Responder Network Authority)


Matt Sloane  (CEO, Skyfire)

Abrem Ayana  (LT., UAS Program Director, Brookhaven Police Department)

Bryan Capobianco  (Sergeant, Boulder Police Department)

Location: W230B

Date: Monday, March 25

Time: 10:10 am - 11:10 am

Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications

Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, FirstNet, Situational Awareness, Video

Format: Panel Session

Vault Recording: TBD

All sizes of public events include unique challenges for planners, support staff, and public safety personnel working to provide the best experience for attendees. From the local county fair, larger city events, and to the 'Big Game', drones are playing a role in providing situational awareness and streaming critical information to response personnel. Join this session to learn how drone technology is deployed at these events, how decision makers are using the information, and how it is enabled by FirstNet and broadband connectivity.

Key takeaways
a.The types of drone technologies used such as tethered and un-tethered systems as well as how the teams deploy.
b. How the use of broadband devices and connectivity enables information sharing from decision makers to responders in the field.
c. The way technologies are used at the different sized events from small local to a major national event.