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Neil "Grifter" WylerGlobal Lead of Active Threat AssessmentsIBM X-Force

Neil R. Wyler (a.k.a. Grifter) is the Global Lead of Active Threat Assessments for IBM X-Force. He has spent over 20 years as a security professional, focusing on penetration testing, physical security, incident response, and threat hunting. He has been a staff member of the Black Hat Security Briefings for over 20 years and a member of the Senior Staff at DEF CON for over 21 years. Neil has spoken at numerous security conferences worldwide, including Black Hat, DEF CON, and the RSA Conference. He has been the subject of various online, print, film, and television interviews, and has authored several books on information security. In his free time, Neil keeps himself busy as a member of both the DEF CON, and Black Hat CFP Review Boards, the Black Hat Training Review Board, the founder of DC801, and founder of his local hackerspace, 801 Labs.
