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Saving Babies, Puppies and the Occasional Bear and Elk Using Technologies


Ed Mills  (Deputy Chief of Operations/Director of Customer Success, Evergreen Fire Rescue/ESChat)

Location: W230B

Date: Tuesday, March 26

Time: 3:35 pm - 4:05 pm

Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications

Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Cybersecurity, Drones, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, NextGen 911, PTT, Satellite, Situational Awareness

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

After all it is all about saving babies and puppies (yes everyone is implied). In this session, go on a fast-paced journey of use cases and technologies used where babies, puppies, where outcomes were enhanced using the latest advances in technologies. As technology has advanced so have the capabilities. Technology advances are making responders more efficient and giving them the ability to achieve better outcomes.

This session will look at advances that have brought us to present day and look into the future of communications and what advances may be available in the near future.