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New Licensed Spectrum for PACE Planning


Mark O'Brien  (President/CTO, SpectraRep)

Charlie Guddemi  (DC SWIC, DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency)

Location: W240C

Date: Tuesday, March 26

Time: 3:35 pm - 4:05 pm

Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management

Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Project Management, System Resiliency

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

PACE planning requires knowing your Primary, Alternate, Contingency and Emergency communications options. When power or loss of backhaul takes out your primary tool, what is your alternate? If they share dependencies, same tower, power or backhaul, what is your contingency and then emergency plan? How do you assure you can communicate when nothing is working? Knowing your options, and testing and exercising all of them, is the key to informing and staying informed during emergencies. Knowing your options, especially options that do not share dependencies, is often the hardest part. This session will show how you can tap into local public television broadcasts and use those powerful signals to securely deliver encrypted targetable IP data to your teams in the field. This is not TV or watching TV. Datacasting uses the TV spectrum to deliver computer data to computers with full encryption. Datacasting is a mature technology that has been used by public safety for two decades. Drone video, messages, files, images and more can be securely transmitted to specifically targeted users. It is deployed in 15 states and, if not yet in your jurisdiction, it will be soon. Learn about creative options for information sharing and interoperability even when critical systems are down.