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Mission Critical Push-To-Talk using Terrestrial and Satellite for First Responders


Steve Hailey  (Product Director, Mission Critical PTT, Network Innovations)

Location: W240A

Date: Thursday, March 28

Time: 2:50 pm - 3:20 pm

Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government

Topic: Broadband, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Satellite, System Resiliency

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Agencies and organizations have seen multiple new technologies on the market to include Radio-over-IP (RoIP), 4G(LTE), 5G, Satellite, etc. including multiple combinations of each. This session will attempt to explain the different technologies, their strengths, weaknesses and how to wade through the noise to help decide which technology or combinations thereof can meet their mission critical PTT requirements. The session will also explore and address how older technology coupled with newer tech can create a cost-effective transition plan for their agency or organizations to be even more resilient now and in the future.

Key Takeaways:
1. Introduce new technologies related to RoIP and MCPTT.
2. Help attendees transition from older (non-IP) to newer (IP) MCPTT technologies without having to do a forklift upgrade.
3. Show attendees how different MCPTT technologies can interoperate with each other in a vendor agnostic format.