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How Can a Federal Site Interoperate with Local Governments?


Mark de Jong  (Wireless Engineer, Idaho National Laboratory)

Location: W230A

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 8:15 am - 8:45 am

Track: Federal Government, Transportation

Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, NextGen 911, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

The Idaho National Laboratory, located in eastern Idaho, has a large bus fleet that transports workers to the site, 45 miles each way – every day. In addition to the fleet, the INL also has a fire department, Security detachment, and operations crew that consists of contractors and subcontractors. Each day the population of the INL's remote site surges to about 4000 people from 7 am through 5 pm, after which it largely empties out. Car crashes are frequent through the year, but even more so in winter where temperatures can dive below -50.

The primary mission of the radio system at the INL is to provide world class secure communication to security personnel protecting our nations assets. Additionally, the radio system provides outstanding service for our 3 fire stations and operations that take place at INL's multiple campuses. Being able to communicate with local governmental agencies is paramount during a vehicle crash or medical emergency. Enter interoperability – as the INL is a federal entity, compliance with NIST and other federal mandates are crucial.

This session will discuss:
How can we operate securely and in compliance with federal mandates?
How can we operate efficiently?
How can we aid the local community in safeguarding its most valuable resource – its citizens?