All You Need to Know about the Information Sharing Framework Project
Walt Magnussen (Director, Texas A&M University ITEC)
Robert Dew (Senior Technologist Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Location: W240A
Date: Monday, March 25
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Drones, Interoperability, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Power Session
Vault Recording: TBD
In 2019 the Department of Homeland Security convened the Information Sharing Task Force for the purpose of developing an architecture capable of supporting the sharing or information across jurisdictional boundaries. The task force consisted of members from both Safecom and the NISWIC (State Interoperability Coordinators) and they released their first draft of the architecture in early 2020.
The architecture consisted of three layers. The lower layer was the data layer with the upper layer being the presentation or user interface layer. The middle layer is where the magic happens, and it is the Integration Layer. This is where the data is standardized, made interoperable and consumable. The architecture also considers authentication, analytics and the underlying transport systems.
In this session, you will discuss:
The current status of the ISF project
The proof of concept projects to date
DHS commitment to the architecture
How you can become a part of this important project.