Christopher Todd, CEM, Executive Director, AIRT
Christopher Todd is an innovator, entrepreneur, and logician helping people to make better decisions when time is of the essence. He maintains a strategic focus on UAS/C-UAS tech for critical infrastructure, emergency management, and disasters. With over 20 years of experience in innovation, entrepreneurship, communication, and technology, Mr. Todd is the founder and president of Airborne Response, the premier provider of Mission Critical Uncrewed Solutions®, which was acquired by Safe Pro Group in 2022. He also serves as the executive director of the Airborne International Response Team (AIRT), the leading non-profit organization supporting the use of unmanned and autonomous systems for public safety and disaster operations. AIRT is also the home of the DRONERESPONDERS program, the world's largest network of public safety and emergency services professionals who use Drones For Good.® Chris is a certified emergency manager (CEM®), a Florida professional emergency manager (FPEM), a licensed remote pilot, and a master mariner. He is an expert in the intersection of uncrewed and autonomous technology, critical infrastructure, emergency management, and disaster response across the air, ground, and maritime domains. He is also a command staff member of the Southeast Florida Region 7 All-Hazards Incident Management Team (SE FL-AHIMT-7), a state-level IMT based at the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Department. Chris is passionate about advancing uncrewed technology for humanitarian and public service missions.