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Robin GrierPresidentCatalyst Communications Technologies Inc.

Robin Grier is the President of Catalyst Communications Technologies, Inc. Catalyst is a leader in Radio Control over IP, providing providing dispatch, interoperability, and incident command solutions for municipalities, federal agencies, utilities, and other organizations. Under Grier’s leadership, Catalyst fielded the first Radio over IP dispatch solution for critical communications in 1999 and continues to introduce new technologies to the Land Mobile Radio market. Prior to founding Catalyst, Mr. Grier spent seven years with Ericsson's (now Harris) Private Radio Systems division in its product management and systems engineering departments. He spent five years designing communications satellites for TRW's (now Northrop Grumman) Space Communications Division. Mr. Grier earned his BSEE from the University of Virginia, his MSEE from the University of Southern California, and his MBA from Lynchburg College.
