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NextGen Advanced Metering Infrastructure - What Cities and Utilities Need to Know


Bobbi Harris  (Executive Director, Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA))


Steve Merrill  (Director, pLTE Sales, Itron)

Terry Burnworth  (President, Pyramid Consulting)

Location: W230D

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm

Track: Utilities, State & Local Government

Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, IoT, Smart-X, SCADA

Format: Panel Session

Vault Recording: TBD

In the 15 years since AMI was introduced, new advancements in telecom, computing and open standards protocols have emerged. Today, as energy costs continue to rise worldwide, the utility industry is looking at Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) 2.0 and open standards and interoperability to reduce costs and benefits from the latest technology. In addition, AMI 2.0 will help to control energy expenditures and improve conservation efforts. There won't be a major influx of federal cash like the ARRA funding in 2012, So what should utilities, cities and states ask about AMI 2.0?

In this session, you will:
Hear from utility & technology innovation leaders about AMI 2.0 and open standards
Learn about cost benefits and interoperability
What you need to ask about advanced metering over broadband