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Conquering Topography Challenges: Delaware County's Breakthrough in PS Comms


Fernando Fernandes de Carvalho  (North America Regional Manager, DAMM)

Location: W240C

Date: Thursday, March 28

Time: 10:10 am - 10:40 am

Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government

Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, P25, Private Networks

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Ensuring the public's safety is among the most important functions of County government, and Delaware County, Oklahoma is no exception. From its life-saving 911 and paramedic services to emergency preparedness planning, the county needs to stand ready to help its community whenever the need arises.

Delaware County's public safety agency recognised the importance of a robust and reliable communication system to deliver on its mission of protecting and serving the community. But with its unique landscape, characterised by hills, lakes, and rural areas, the project brought its own set of challenges, such as signal interference, logistical difficulties in remote areas, and vulnerability to severe weather events.

Thanks to a collaboration between leading technology providers, a seamless communication network infrastructure solution is now in place and ensuring that first responders and emergency services can communicate swiftly, reliably, and securely, even in the most challenging situations.

This presentation will deliver an insight into the challenges faced, how they were overcome, and the impact this solution has in revolutionising public safety communication.

Attendee takeaways
• Delegates will get an understanding of the challenges faced in providing public safety communication within varied and demanding environments.
• An insight into the cutting-edge technology that ensures the highest level of performance, reliability, and ergonomics in the deployed infrastructure.
• Learn how the innovative solution ensures that public safety agencies have the critical communication capabilities necessary to protect and serve the community effectively.