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Can AI Improve Public Safety by Analyzing Voice?


Kinuko Masaki  (CEO, VoiceBrain)

Location: W230B

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 4:20 pm - 4:50 pm

Track: Incident Management

Topic: AI, Interoperability, PTT, Situational Awareness

Format: Power Session

Vault Recording: TBD

In this session, you will learn how connecting any voice platform, such as PTT devices, to a Cloud-based AI platform helps incident management. By uploading PTT devices and radio communication into the Cloud, anyone in your organization, regardless of whether they are carrying a device or not, can monitor any incident in real-time no matter where they are located geographically. Moreover, by integrating and/or applying AI into the platform, mission-critical events can be automatically identified and routed to the appropriate individuals and stakeholders. Finally, by utilizing a hardware/software solution, the challenges of interoperability can be solved so that any two dissimilar devices can communicate with one another and the platform. The results from this will lead to immediate improved public safety.

The group will hear how an AI voice platform has improved public safety in County Government, International Airports, Public Schools, Casinos, Professional Arenas and Stadiums and more.