Broadband PTT & Next-Generation LMR Interoperability
Josh Lober (President, ESChat)
Roman Kaluta (Director, Interoperability Solutions - Public Safety Liaison and Customer Advocate for JPS Interoperability Solutions, JPS Interoperability Solutions, Inc.)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Date: Thursday, March 28
Time: 11:45 am - 12:10 pm
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Private Networks, PTT
Format: Expo Theater Session
Vault Recording: TBD
JPS Interoperability and ESChat have partnered to bring a next generation LMR and Dispatch Console interoperability solution to market. Objectives of the new solution include simplification of Radio over Internet Protocol (RoIP) gateways, eliminating the need for VPNs, and meeting security requirements for ESChat’s upcoming FedRAMP migration.