Bringing to Light: The Changes in the Tower Lighting World
Jamie Marsh (Director of Sales, LumenServe Inc.)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Date: Thursday, March 28
Time: 2:00 pm - 2:25 pm
Track: State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Private Networks
Format: Expo Theater Session
Vault Recording: TBD
The FAA compliance rules for your tower’s obstruction lighting continue to be updated as evidenced by the November 2020 circular. LumenServe℠ will review some key aspects of the regulations that you need to know. LEDs have been around for many years, however, in the tower lighting world their deployment is creating big changes. In addition, the traditional practice of procurement, maintenance and monitoring has a new model: Tower Lighting as a Service®. LumenServe℠ is at the forefront of this new approach to tower lighting, and we will explore its advantages and implications.