Wheres My Service? A Discussion of Cloud-Hosted Mission Critical Systems
Terry Burnworth (President, Pyramid Consulting)
Scott Brunton (Chief Client Officer, Ironcloud Technologies)
Oliver Beers (Chief Client Officer, Ironcloud Technologies)
James Large (E911 Director, Newton County Communications Center)
Track: Government & Enterprise
Topics: Broadband, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Regulatory & Legal + Standards
Format: Panel Session
Vault Recording: TBD
This panel discussion will delve into the growing adoption of cloud-based services in the mission critical systems (MCX) ecosystem. As MCX systems evolve, cloud-based services offer new possibilities for scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. However, they also present unique challenges, such as latency, security, service reliability, and the need for stringent standards to be developed for MCX cloud-based systems. The need for cloud-based services has increased significantly in a very short time with no end in sight. The continual adaptation of voice-video-data convergence (VVDC) and AI in MCX, cloud-based services will become a requirement for ECC's. Three different perspectives on MCX cloud-based systems, including an: ECC Director, a managed services provider (MSP), and an architect of ECC & Data Centers, explore the benefits, drawbacks, and future direction of MCX cloud-based services. Issues that will be discussed include service uptime, data sovereignty, risk mitigation, and best practices for integrating cloud services without compromising the high-performance requirements of MCX. Hear insights and experiences with ECC cloud usage, MSP protocols, and mission critical sustainability, as participants gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate the complex balance between in-house control and hosted services while ensuring a robust, secure, and reliable communication system.
1. What are the Pros and Cons of cloud-based systems
2. Requirements for cloud-based systems
3. Current examples of cloud-based systems