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Project 25 Case Studies: Real Systems. Real Users. Real World.

Stephen Nichols  (Executive Director, Project 25 Technology Interest Group)

Stuart Sanz  (Interoperable Communications and Radio System Manager, Arlington County VA)

Douglas Cochrane  (System Performance Architect, Harris County Texas)

Steve Ferguson  (Lead Entity Director , Next Generation Critical Communications- New Zealand Police)

Location: N259

Date: Wednesday, March 19

Time: 3:10 pm - 4:10 pm

Track: First Responders

Topics: Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, PTT, Situational Awareness

Format: Panel Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Veteran P25 System Administrators and policy planners offer a first-hand view of their experience with P25 technology including their P25 Systems design, architecture, and governance models. Learn about best practices and lessons learned to maximize interoperability, performance, and cost-effective communications for their user agencies. Requirements for local agencies to join the P25 systems and for manufacturers to offer P25 compliant products on the system will be described.

Case Studies Include:

  • The Washington National Capital Region (NCR) has long operated a system of systems using P25 for Interoperability between Arlington Virginia, other counties, and federal law enforcement to secure the Capital region.
  • There are over 50 P25 Systems operating in Canada today. Learn how they are serving their diverse user community and creating Cross-border interoperable communications with US agencies.
  • Harris County Texas operates a unique shared P25 system offering regional coverage through TX-WARN and the City of Houston operates a separate zone off the core for in-metropolitan area.
  • New Zealand Police are developing a new P25 Nationwide Network. Learn how the new system will offer harmonized technology between P25 LMR and Cellular Broadband.


  • How is P25 delivering First Responder interoperability in The National Capitol Region, Region-wide wide in southeast Texas, Nation-wide in New Zealand, and in the 50 P25 Systems operating across Canada?
  • How is cross border Interoperability enabled by P25 between Canada and the United States?
  • What P25 Issues have been resolved and lessons learned from these unique P25 System Case Studies?
  • What are the next evolutionary steps on the roadmap for these P25 Systems?