View, browse and sort the ever-growing list of sessions by track, topic and format.
IWCE does not pre-register for the individual conference sessions, so seating is first-come, first-serve except for the ETA Training sessions.
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
Speakers: Ira Wiesenfeld (IWA Technical Services, Inc.), Joseph Delio (IWA Technical Services, Inc.)
Location: W224F
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Phil Shoemaker (Light Brigade)
Location: W224C
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
General Communications Technician, Level 1 (GCT1)
Speakers: Chris Miller (Heartland Community College), AJ Wiesenfeld (IWA Technical Services, Inc.)
Location: W224B
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Jay Thompson (Tactical RF)
Location: W224E
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Practical Antenna Basics - Making Sense of RF Propagation in Everyday Communications Systems (PAB)
Speaker: Bill Bailey (ETA International)
Location: W224A
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Bringing Mission Critical Services (PTT, Data and Video) out of the Silo
Speakers: Walt Magnussen (Texas A&M University ITEC), Sridhar Kowdley (Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, Private Networks, PTT, Video
Format: Power Session
Enhancing Emergency Response: The Case for Converged Wireless Systems
Speaker: Jim Lilienfeld (Advanced RF Technologies, Inc. (ADRF))
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, NextGen 911, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Proactive Management of Radio System Health and Infrastructure
Speakers: Christine Massengale (TN Department of Safety & Homeland Security), Jeff Gray (Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
System Lifecycle Management: Project Management for the Life of a System
Speaker: Neil Horden (Horden Technology, LLC)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Federal Government
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, NextGen 911, P25, Private Networks, Project Management, PTT, Smart-X, SCADA, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Power Session
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Technology Advances
Speaker: Ed Mills (Evergreen Fire Rescue/ESChat)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Power Session
Best Practices for Incorporating FCC Rules for "In-Building" System Deployments
Moderator: Greg Glenn (Comba USA)
Panelists: Don Henry (Comba USA), Nathaniel Hinkle (Collier County, FL), Gary Gray (Fort Lauderdale, FL), Anderson Bennett (Federal Communications Commission (Ret.)), Michael Proscia (City of San Francisco)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, P25, Project Management, PTT, Regulatory, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Deploying MCX Mission Critical Communications for First Responders in Real Life
Moderator: Ken Rehbehn (CritComm Insights)
Panelists: Sagi Subocki (SOFTIL), Joe Duvall (Dallas, Georgia, Police Department), Ritesh Desai (Southern Linc)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT
Format: Panel Session
Drone Operations from the Local Fair to the Big Game
Moderator: Travis Hull (First Responder Network Authority)
Panelists: Matt Sloane (Skyfire), Abrem Ayana (Brookhaven Police Department), Bryan Capobianco (Boulder Police Department)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, FirstNet, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Panel Session
NG911 Deployment: Tales from the Front
Speakers: Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services), Christy Williams (NCT9-1-1)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, IoT, NextGen 911, Video
Format: Panel Session
P25 Link Layer Authentication (LLA)...Do You Know?
Moderator: Hermina (Nina) Koshinski (Pennsylvania State Police)
Panelist: Scott Wright (State of Connecticut)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, P25
Format: Panel Session
Procurement Roundtable: Who’s Paying?
Moderator: Terry Burnworth (Pyramid Consulting)
Panelists: Crosby Grindle (Cooperative Services LLC), Shannon Day (Grants Office LLC), Brad Barber (Federal Engineering Inc.)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government
Topic: Funding, Project Management, Regulatory, Smart-X
Format: Panel Session
A Broadband Interoperability Platform for PTT Communication over LTE
Moderator: Ken Rehbehn (CritComm Insights)
Panelists: Robin Grier (Catalyst Communications Technologies Inc.), Sridhar Kowdley (Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate), Jim Holthaus (U.S. Department of Justice)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Jeffrey Wobbleton (Arlington 911)
Panelists: Timothy Kane (Arlington 911), Lori Preuss (Emerging Digital Concepts)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, First Responder Communications
Topic: Interoperability, NextGen 911, Project Management, Smart-X, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Communications No Matter What - Best Practices for HF Radio System Development
Moderator: David Rudawitz (NVIS Communications)
Panelists: Ross Merlin (NVIS Communications), Lance LaBreck (California Independent System Operator), Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, Utilities
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Funding, IT & OT, Project Management, PTT, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Interference Mitigation for DAS and BDAs in a Crowded Spectrum Environment
Moderator: Chris Godwin (RF Solutions LLC)
Panelists: Wayne Wong (Anritsu), David Adams (PCTEL), Dino Giordano (Microlab), Fernando Sommariva (Honeywell)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, Private Networks, Project Management, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
Priority and Preemption: What Does It Mean in the LTE/5G World?
Moderator: Donny Jackson (IWCE's Urgent Communications)
Panelists: Chris McDonough (Verizon), Stuart Campbell (T-Mobile for Government), Tero Pesonen (The Critical Communications Association (TCCA))
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, Private Networks, PTT, Regulatory, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
What Happened in Curry County?
Moderator: Chris Essid (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: William Chapman (State of Oregon), Michael Finch (Lane County Department of Technology Services)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Incident Management
Topic: Cybersecurity, IT & OT, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Lunch & Learn: The Critical Communications Landscape
Speakers: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia), Paul Bremner (Omdia)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 4
Format: Networking
All You Need to Know about the Information Sharing Framework Project
Speakers: Walt Magnussen (Texas A&M University ITEC), Robert Dew (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Drones, Interoperability, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Power Session
DMR - Resiliency Like No Other
Speaker: Brian Seedle (DMR Association)
Location: W230A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Backhaul, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, LMR, Private Networks, PTT, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Exercising Communications: Beyond the First Responder
Speaker: Dan Nelson (Alaska Land Mobile Radio)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Interoperability, P25, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
IPAWS Roadmap to Improving the Quality and Effectiveness of Emergency Alerts
Speaker: Jian Mei (May) Wu (FEMA IPAWS)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, In-Building Wireless
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, IoT, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Speakers: Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC), Curtis Johnson (CTA Consultants LLC)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Regulatory
Format: Power Session
Broadband PTT: LMR Replacement or Complement?
Moderator: Donny Jackson (IWCE's Urgent Communications)
Panelists: Joe Duvall (Dallas, Georgia, Police Department), Harlin McEwen (Ithaca, New York, Police Department), Josh Lober (ESChat)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, Private Networks, Project Management, PTT, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Broward County's FireNet: Fault Tolerance in Hurricane Alley
Moderator: Dan Deveson (Shared Solutions Technology LLC)
Panelists: Nick Falgiatore (Mission Critical Partners), José De Zayas (Broward County)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, LMR, Private Networks, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Emerging Technologies for In-Building & Subterranean Communications
Moderator: Paul May (Innovative Wireless Technologies)
Panelists: Red Grasso (North Carolina Department of Information Technology), Tom Cooper (Avari Wireless), Chris Lamb (Device Solutions)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: IT & OT, Project Management, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Next-Generation Computing at the Edge
Moderator: Todd Maxwell (Samsung Electronics of America)
Panelists: David Straede (Santa Barbara PD), Joe Colston (Monroe County (MO) Sheriff's Office)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Federal Government
Topic: Cybersecurity, Drones, IoT, LMR, NextGen 911, PTT, Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
The Implications of Z Axis for PSAPs and Emergency Response
Moderator: Gillian Smith (NextNav LLC)
Panelists: Adam Eldert (Fairfax County Government), Steve McMurrer (Fairfax County Department of Public Safety Communications), Jeffrey Wobbleton (Arlington 911)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, In-Building Wireless
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, NextGen 911, Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
You CAN Communicate Everywhere! Technologies to Keep Your Operations Connected
Moderator: Tom Soumas (Cinetcomm, LLC)
Speaker: Jon Paul Beauchamp (Icom America)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Private Networks, PTT, Satellite, Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
Maui Wildfire: Creating a Network Out of Nothing
Moderator: Doug Harder (First Responder Network Authority)
Panelists: Eric Peniata (City of Riverside Fire), Fred Scalera (AT&T), Bryan Green (AT&T)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
New Technologies for Project 25 Testing and Compliance
Moderator: Stephen Nichols (Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
Panelists: Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC), Ed Latimer (Viavi Solutions), David Adams (PCTEL), Michael Schafer (Compliance Testing LLC), Don Root (APCO International)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: IT & OT, P25, PTT, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Private 5G for Mission-Critical Networks: Technology and Migration
Moderator: Paul Greenlaw (Commdex)
Panelists: Chuck Bethea (Commdex), Steve Vogelsang (Nokia Federal Division), Derek Peterson (Boingo Wireless), Vance Raeside (Lumen Technologies Federal)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: AI, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, IoT, Private Networks, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Joe Blaschka (CEJA Engineering Co)
Panelists: Mike Norin (ADCOMM Engineering LLC), Robert "RJ" Russell (Technical Broadcast Solutions Inc.), Steve Anderson (American Radio Relay League)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Interoperability, LMR, Private Networks, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Remote Site Monitoring - Averting an Incident
Moderator: Dan Munsey (San Bernadino County Fire)
Panelists: Ken Pokigo (TX RX Systems), Cheryl Boyer (Sinclair Technologies), Elliott McNeese (Tait Communications Americas Region)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, IT & OT, IoT, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Solving Resource Overload: Cybersecurity Resource Hub for Emergency Communications Centers
Moderator: Ryan Ford (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Greg Holcomb (Lake County Public Safety Communications), Jeremy DeMar (Intrado Life & Safety)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, State & Local Government
Topic: Cybersecurity, NextGen 911
Format: Panel Session
How Digital Twins Enable Performance and Conformance Testing for First Responder Communications
Speaker: Ian Carpenter (Valid8)
Location: W230B
Track: First Responder Communications, 911 & Alerts
Topic: Broadband, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, P25, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
How to Extend Your Coverage Footprint Economically
Speakers: Curtis Johnson (CTA Consultants LLC), Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, P25, PTT
Format: Power Session
Leveraging FirstNet PTT for First Responders in Small Communities
Speaker: Lindsay Stromgren (Amherst MA Fire Department)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, PTT
Format: Power Session
Remote Monitoring of Critical Communications Sites
Speaker: Ken Pokigo (TX RX Systems)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, IT & OT, IoT, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Wi-Fi HaLow - Long Range Wi-Fi for Last Mile Connectivity
Speakers: Phillip Kumin (Morse Micro), Warwick Clancy (Zetifi)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, FirstNet, IoT, LMR, P25, Private Networks, PTT, SCADA, Video
Format: Power Session
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
Applying Combat Training Network to Disaster Recovery
Speaker: Toan Vo (Anritsu)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, LMR, Project Management, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Critical Comms 101 for Utilities
Speakers: Bobbi Harris (Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA)), Paul Anuszkiewicz (Palmetto Technology Associates)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, State & Local Government
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, IT & OT, Private Networks, Regulatory, Smart-X, SCADA, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Data Interoperability: The Final Frontier?
Speaker: Sherri Bush (Adcomm Engineering, LLC)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, State & Local Government
Topic: Interoperability, NextGen 911, Regulatory, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
ERCES Commissioners: How is Uplink Optimization Done Without Tower Access?
Speaker: Tom Warfield (Honeywell)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Funding, Regulatory, Spectrum
Format: Power Session
How Secure is Your Land Mobile Radio System?
Speaker: Nick Falgiatore (Mission Critical Partners)
Location: W230B
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Cybersecurity, LMR, P25, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Unified Public Safety Communications - Seamless Integration and Interoperability Between Agencies
Speaker: Chris Stevens (CartGIS Pty Ltd)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Incident Management
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, LMR, NextGen 911, P25, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Speakers: Ira Wiesenfeld (IWA Technical Services, Inc.), Joseph Delio (IWA Technical Services, Inc.)
Location: W224F
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Phil Shoemaker (Light Brigade)
Location: W224C
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
General Communications Technician, Level 1 (GCT1)
Speakers: Chris Miller (Heartland Community College), AJ Wiesenfeld (IWA Technical Services, Inc.)
Location: W224B
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Jay Thompson (Tactical RF)
Location: W224E
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Practical Antenna Basics - Making Sense of RF Propagation in Everyday Communications Systems (PAB)
Speaker: Bill Bailey (ETA International)
Location: W224A
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Addressing Domestic Violence and Law Enforcement Safety with Wearable Technology Solutions
Moderator: Liz Kohler (Nexion Solutions)
Panelists: AnneMarie Domurat (Milwaukee Police Department), Jeff Pedro (AT&T), Keith Redlin (Samsung Electronics America)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, Incident Management
Topic: AI, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, IoT, NextGen 911, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
In-Building Wireless Part 1: The Current State
Moderator: Alan Perdue (Safer Buildings Coalition)
Panelists: Ed Steffens (Spectrum Wireless), José De Zayas (Broward County), Shannon Turbeville (Lakeland Professional Firefighters Association), David Adams (PCTEL)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Funding, LMR, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Incident Response and Innovations with Location-Based Services
Moderator: Rob Clark (NextNav LLC)
Panelists: Dan Munsey (San Bernadino County Fire), Peter Burke (Hyannis Fire Department), Walter Lewis (Orlando Fire Department)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, In-Building Wireless
Topic: Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Alan Tilles (Law Offices Of Alan Tilles)
Panelists: Andrew Maxymillian (Blue Wing Services), Chris Baker (First Responder Network Authority), Robin Cohen (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Transportation
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, LMR, PTT, Regulatory, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Reliable Communications in Unreliable Conditions
Moderator: Eric Toenjes (Graybar)
Panelists: Jim Jacobellis (Blue Arcus), Kevin Fernandes (Dejero), Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, FirstNet, IoT, LMR, Private Networks, Satellite, Situational Awareness, Smart-X, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
What Does PLTE Solve for Utilities Today?
Moderator: Bruce Albright (Burns & McDonnell)
Panelists: Jeff Ogden (Tampa Electric Co), Jason Ervin (LCRA), Nick Smith, P.E. (Memphis Light Gas and Water)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: Broadband, Private Networks, Smart-X, SCADA
Format: Panel Session
Broadband PTT for Public Safety - LMR, Console and Logging Interoperability
Moderator: Josh Lober (ESChat)
Panelists: Kacy Greene (Intrepid Networks), Roman Kaluta (JPS Interoperability Solutions, Inc.), Thomas Kelley (Nassau County Sheriff's Office)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Interoperability, LMR, PTT, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
In-Building Wireless Part 2: The Case for Competency
Moderator: Seth Buechley (Cathedral Consulting)
Panelists: Chip Hollis (NICET), Cesar Ruiz (The Learning Alliance Corporation), Kevin Rulapaugh (FL Div. of State Fire Marshall / FL Fire Chiefs Assoc.), Jeff Silveira (BICSI)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Funding, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Is Your NG911 Solution Truly Interoperable?
Moderator: Walt Magnussen (Texas A&M University ITEC)
Panelists: Sridhar Kowdley (Department of Homeland Security Science & Technology Directorate), AJ Renold (Texas A&M University ITEC), Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services), Logan Freeman (Texas A&M University ITEC)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, IoT, NextGen 911
Format: Panel Session
Network Resilience Through Alternative Comms
Moderator: Steve Hailey (Network Innovations)
Panelists: Thomas Olson (Avealto Ltd.), Margo Deckard (Lynk Global, Inc.)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, Funding, Interoperability, Satellite, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
What You Can Do to Improve Communications with Rural Neighbors
Moderator: Derek Nesselrode (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Dent Guynes (Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission), Christine Massengale (TN Department of Safety & Homeland Security), Burford Hurley II (Flatwoods, Kentucky)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: Funding, Interoperability, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Which Spectrum Options Make the Most Sense for Your Utility
Moderator: Michael McMenamin (Lynk Global, Inc.)
Panelists: Bryan Schromsky (Verizon), Jim Hendershot (Radio Design Group, Inc.), Lance Johnson (Anterix, Inc.)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, IT & OT, IoT, Project Management, Satellite, Smart-X, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
5G-Powered Secure Remote Connections
Speaker: Tom Hillman (Inseego)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Utilities
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, IoT, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Empowering Women in Public Safety: Breaking the Numbers Barrier
Presenters: Sandy Jo MacArthur (University of Chicago Crime Lab/Policing Leadership Academy), Danielle Warner (Verizon), Allison Mendoza-Pemberton (Verizon), Sarah Krebs (Michigan State Police)
Location: W230C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Project Management
Format: Panel Session
Is Your ECC Prepared for Cyber's Worst?
Speaker: Sean Scott (SecuLore)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: Cybersecurity, NextGen 911
Format: Power Session
New Zealand's PSN Combines P25 with Cellular for Emergency Comms: An End User Perspective
Speaker: Dylan Earle (Tait Communications)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Federal Government
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Funding, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Project Management, PTT, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, Spectrum, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Power Session
Powering Community Recovery and Emergency Management with Renewable Off-Grid Power
Speaker: Lauren Flanagan (Sesame Solar)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure
Format: Power Session
Talk the Talk to Walk the Walk: PLTE and Utilities
Speaker: Pascal Beglin (Streamwide)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: Interoperability, Private Networks, PTT, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Power Session
Florida In-Building Public Safety Communications – Improve What Works, Fix What Doesn't
Moderator: Charlie Fleetham (Project Innovations)
Chairpersons: John Foley (Safer Buildings Coalition), Alan Perdue (Safer Buildings Coalition)
Facilitators: Jon Pasqualone (Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association), Ed Steffens (Spectrum Wireless), Kevin Rulapaugh (FL Div. of State Fire Marshall / FL Fire Chiefs Assoc.), José De Zayas (Broward County)
Location: W221CDE
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Funding, LMR, NextGen 911, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Networking
Lunch & Learn: Trends, Innovations and Predictions
Speakers: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia), Paul Bremner (Omdia)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 4
Format: Networking
A Most Resilient Emergency Alerting Strategy to Save Lives in the Face of Worsening Climate Issues
Moderator: Karl Wilmes (Public Safety 360)
Panelists: John Contestabile (Skyline Technology Solutions), Red Grasso (North Carolina Department of Information Technology), So Vang (One Media)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, NextGen 911, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Communications Infrastructure for Law Enforcement Drone Programs
Moderator: Matt Sloane (Skyfire)
Panelists: Travis Hull (First Responder Network Authority), Abrem Ayana (Brookhaven Police Department)
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: AI, Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, FirstNet, Funding, Interoperability, Regulatory, Satellite, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
In-Building Wireless Part 3: The Roadmap for a Better Ecosystem
Moderator: John Foley (Safer Buildings Coalition)
Panelists: Steve Devine (APCO International), Charlie Fleetham (Project Innovations), Nathaniel Hinkle (Collier County, FL), Seth Buechley (Cathedral Consulting)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Funding, LMR, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
New Strategies for Asset Management in Utility Infrastructure
Moderator: Bobbi Harris (Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA))
Panelists: Christian Nolden (Groundline Engineering), Gary Vondrasek (Jacksonville Electric Authority)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, State & Local Government
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, IoT, Private Networks, Smart-X
Format: Panel Session
P25 Evolution: New Standards, Interoperability & Security for the Future
Moderator: Stephen Nichols (Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
Panelists: James Downes (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)), Andy Davis (Motorola Solutions), Jeremy Elder (L3Harris), Scott Wright (State of Connecticut)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Stephen Hand (Tilson)
Panelists: Robert Dooley (Florida Highway Patrol), Earl Struble (Verizon), Charles Dowd (New York City Police Department), Thomas Kelley (Nassau County Sheriff's Office)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, IT & OT, Project Management, Regulatory
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Donny Jackson (IWCE's Urgent Communications)
Panelists: Kenneth Corey (Coalition for Emergency Response and Critical Infrastructure (CERCI)), Charles Dowd (New York City Police Department), Michael Barnbeck (Public Safety Broadband Technical Association), Mark Crosby (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
P25 Users Present: Case Study Chameleons - Unique Scalable System Solutions
Moderator: Stephen Nichols (Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
Panelists: Alan Massie (Federal Bureau of Investigation), William DeCoste (Virginia State Police), Greg Holcomb (Lake County Public Safety Communications), Dylan Earle (Tait Communications)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Funding, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Moderator: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Panelists: Kevin Graham (The Critical Communications Association (TCCA)), Peter Clemons (ENENSYS Technologies), Randy Shepard (Diverse Power EMC), Luis Ignacio Callen (PowerTrunk)
Location: W230A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, PTT, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
The 5G Mega-Sport Communications Revolution
Moderator: Ken Rehbehn (CritComm Insights)
Panelists: John Dundas (DundasTech Limited), Jeremy Miller (Dejero), Matteo Bottini (Ikosaeder), Colin Erard (Sport and Major Events Readiness)
Location: W230C
Track: In-Building Wireless
Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Drones, FirstNet, Interoperability, IT & OT, IoT, LMR, Private Networks, Project Management, PTT, Spectrum, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
Utilities: Is AI Really the Next Big Thing?
Moderator: Bobbi Harris (Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA))
Panelists: Ali Mohammed (New York Power Authority (NYPA)), Dave Kenney, PMP (Hexagon), Stefan Steinhauser (Frequentis AG)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: AI, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, IoT, Smart-X, SCADA
Format: Panel Session
Wildfire Recap: New Tech for a Dangerous Year
Moderator: Dan Munsey (San Bernadino County Fire)
Panelists: Chris Baker (First Responder Network Authority), Ed Mills (Evergreen Fire Rescue/ESChat)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, FirstNet, NextGen 911, Private Networks, Satellite, Situational Awareness, Smart-X, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
Advanced Persistent Cyber Threats (APTs) Are Wearing Us Out
Speaker: Pam Montanari (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Location: W230A
Track: State & Local Government, Incident Management
Topic: Cybersecurity
Format: Power Session
Interoperable Communications and the Transport Supply Chain
Speaker: Sheryar Wahid (AGILE)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, LMR, Regulatory, Satellite, Smart-X, Video
Format: Power Session
New Licensed Spectrum for PACE Planning
Speakers: Mark O'Brien (SpectraRep), Charlie Guddemi (DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Project Management, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Project 25 Questions? Ask the Experts
Moderator: Stephen Nichols (Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
Panelists: James Downes (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)), Andy Davis (Motorola Solutions), Jeremy Elder (L3Harris), Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants), Brad Stoddard (State of Michigan), Hermina (Nina) Koshinski (Pennsylvania State Police)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Utilities
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Saving Babies, Puppies and the Occasional Bear and Elk Using Technologies
Speaker: Ed Mills (Evergreen Fire Rescue/ESChat)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Cybersecurity, Drones, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, NextGen 911, PTT, Satellite, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Sustainably Powering Critical Infrastructure
Speaker: Heather Wilkins (HCI Energy, LLC)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Drinks, Bites & Insights. Satellite Direct to Device: Are We There Yet?
Moderator: Donny Jackson (IWCE's Urgent Communications)
Panelists: Eric Hagerson (T-Mobile), Margo Deckard (Lynk Global, Inc.), Harlin McEwen (Ithaca, New York, Police Department)
Speaker: Paul Kircher (T-Mobile for Government)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Satellite, Spectrum
Format: Keynote
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa)
Speaker: Chris Miller (Heartland Community College)
Location: W224B
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Phil Shoemaker (Light Brigade)
Location: W224C
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Bill Bailey (ETA International)
Location: W224A
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Radio Frequency Interference and Mitigation (RFIM)
Speakers: Thomas Brinkoetter (RadioSiteTest), Jay Thompson (Tactical RF)
Location: W224E
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
How Can a Federal Site Interoperate with Local Governments?
Speaker: Mark de Jong (Idaho National Laboratory)
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government, Transportation
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, NextGen 911, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
How to Economically Define Public Safety Grade
Speaker: Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, IT & OT, LMR, Project Management, PTT, Regulatory
Format: Power Session
NENA's New NG-ECC/PSAP Standard
Speaker: Brandon Abley (NENA: The 9-1-1 Association)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: Interoperability, NextGen 911
Format: Power Session
Optimizing Off- and On-Grid Energy Costs with New Technology
Speaker: Arthur Sams (Polar Power Inc.)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, IT & OT, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Ransomware is on the Rise Again: Defense Against New Players
Speaker: Sean Scott (SecuLore)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Cybersecurity
Format: Power Session
Unlocking the Potential of Private 5G Networks in Transportation
Speaker: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation
Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Private Networks, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Speakers: Paul Bremner (Omdia), Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Format: Keynote
Keynote with Commissioner Gomez
Keynote: Anna M. Gomez (Federal Communications Commission (FCC))
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Format: Keynote
Verizon Frontline: Delivering for First Responders Today, Built for Tomorrow
Speakers: Cory Davis (Verizon), Anthony Battista (Verizon), Ryan Hirae (State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Track: First Responder Communications
Format: Keynote
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
4.9 GHz and the Transportation Industry - Opportunities to Explore
Moderator: Alan Tilles (Law Offices Of Alan Tilles)
Panelists: Andrew Maxymillian (Blue Wing Services), Timothy McDowell (Washington State DOT), Kyle Connor (Powerfull Recharge)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, IoT, Private Networks, SCADA, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
Alerts: To Send or Not to Send
Moderator: Chris Essid (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Ryan Hirae (State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency), Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services), William Chapman (State of Oregon)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, Incident Management
Topic: Interoperability, Regulatory
Format: Panel Session
LMR Networks are Vulnerable to Cyberattacks and Costly Recovery
Moderator: Pam Montanari (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Jason Matthews (Lake County Sheriff’s Office), Sean McCloskey (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)), Rob Richardson (Motorola Solutions)
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, LMR, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Life Support for the Dead Zone-Direct to Device Opportunities
Moderator: Joe Hanna (Directions)
Panelists: Walt Magnussen (Texas A&M University ITEC), Viji Raveendran (Qualcomm), Renee Roland (FCC), Eric Hagerson (T-Mobile)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, 911 & Alerts
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Satellite, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
TAK Rising: How a Common Operating Picture Platform Transforms Cross-Agency Interoperability
Moderator: Ken Rehbehn (CritComm Insights)
Panelists: Charles Laird (NC Department of Information Technology), Jared VandenHeuvel (Texas Department of Public Safety)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Drones, Interoperability, Situational Awareness, TAK
Format: Panel Session
What Does the C-Suite Need to Know about Utility Comms?
Moderator: Bruce Albright (Burns & McDonnell)
Panelists: Brad Barber (Federal Engineering Inc.), Neil Horden (Horden Technology, LLC), Brett Kilbourne (Stevens & Lee)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Funding, Private Networks, Project Management, Regulatory, Smart-X
Format: Panel Session
Future Proofing Public Safety: AI Innovations in Emergency Response
Presenter: Alex Dizengof (Carbyne)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications, 911 & Alerts
Topic: AI, Cloud Connectivity, Cybersecurity
Format: Expo Theater Session
Connectivity for Intelligent Transportation Systems: V2X, LIDAR and RADAR
Moderator: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Panelists: Bryan Schromsky (Verizon), Neil "Grifter" Wyler (IBM X-Force), Suzanne Murtha (AECOM)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation
Topic: AI, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, IoT, Regulatory, Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
How Digital Alerts are Transforming End-to-End Emergency Response
Moderator: Karin Marquez (RapidSOS)
Panelists: Chris Noell (Raptor Technologies), Rachel Sarabia-Duarte MPA, PMP, ENP (El Paso 9-1-1 District)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, Incident Management
Topic: AI, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, NextGen 911, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
How Florida Public Safety Agencies Use Drones for Mission-Critical Communications
Moderator: Christopher Todd, CEM (AIRT)
Panelists: Robert Dooley (Florida Highway Patrol), Anthony Loperfido (Miami Beach Police Department), Rich Gatanis (Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District), Larry Wood (Palm Beach Sheriff's Office)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Cybersecurity, Drones, Regulatory, Satellite, Situational Awareness
Format: Panel Session
Next-Generation 911 (NG911) Roundtable with Federal Partners
Moderator: Ryan Ford (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: John Holloway (U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)), Brian Tegtmeyer (NHTSA)
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government, 911 & Alerts
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, NextGen 911
Format: Panel Session
P25 for Utilities: Your Swiss Army Knife for Incident Management Interoperability
Moderator: Stephen Nichols (Project 25 Technology Interest Group)
Panelists: Jim Holthaus (U.S. Department of Justice), Michael Rohrbacher (State of New Mexico Department of Information Technology)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, Incident Management
Topic: Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Situational Awareness, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
Unbreakable Connectivity to Enhance First Responder Situational Awareness
Moderator: Neil Jamieson (Hypha)
Panelists: Jared VandenHeuvel (Texas Department of Public Safety), Charles Laird (NC Department of Information Technology)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, FirstNet, Interoperability, IT & OT, IoT, Private Networks, Project Management, Satellite, Situational Awareness, Spectrum, System Resiliency, Video, TAK
Format: Panel Session
Why and How You Should Test Your DMR Tier 3 Radios
Presenter: Wayne Black (Astronics Test Systems)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: Utilities, State & Local Government
Topic: LMR, Private Networks, PTT
Format: Expo Theater Session
New Era Connectivity Met with Next-Gen FWA Solutions
Presenter: Carla Shaffer (Wesco)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: In-Building Wireless, Utilities
Topic: Broadband
Format: Expo Theater Session
Empowering First Responders with Future Technology: Innovating Today for a Safer Tomorrow
Presenters: Jason Mitchell (Verizon), Calvin Jackson (Verizon)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications
Format: Expo Theater Session
Innovations in Real-Time Site Monitoring
Presenter: Josh Gullett (RFI Technology Solutions)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications, Utilities
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, LMR, P25, Private Networks, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Expo Theater Session
Beyond SCADA: IoT, GPS, AI, AR, Drones and Smart-X
Moderator: Brett Kilbourne (Stevens & Lee)
Panelists: Brad Barber (Federal Engineering Inc.), Rex Lee (, Chris Sanders (Verizon)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: AI, AR & VR, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, IoT, Smart-X, SCADA
Format: Panel Session
Getting It Right the First Time - Applying Systems Engineering to Transportation Systems
Moderator: Susan Ronning (ADCOMM Engineering LLC)
Panelists: John Contestabile (Skyline Technology Solutions), Girija Subramaniam (Forcing Function LLC)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, State & Local Government
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, IT & OT, IoT, LMR, Private Networks, Project Management, SCADA, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Mission-Critical Broadband Around the World
Moderator: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Panelists: Anatoli Levine (Softil Inc.), Tero Pesonen (The Critical Communications Association (TCCA)), Peter Clemons (ENENSYS Technologies), Bob Escalle (Samsung Electronics America)
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, Private Networks, PTT, Regulatory, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
NG911 and AI: Why the Future Needs Policy and Governance
Moderator: Chris Essid (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Pam Montanari (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)), Greg Hauser (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)), Charlie Guddemi (DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts, Federal Government
Topic: AI, NextGen 911
Format: Panel Session
TAK Wide-Area Communications Flexibility: Leveraging LMR, LTE, and SAT Radio
Moderator: Todd Maxwell (Samsung Electronics of America)
Panelists: Glenn Williams (Icom America), Verne LaClair (PAR Government), Jared VandenHeuvel (Texas Department of Public Safety), Philip Kirmuss (Dark Wolf Ventures)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, Interoperability, LMR, Satellite, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency, Video, TAK
Format: Panel Session
WiFi 6 Interference with Public Safety Microwave: It's a Problem and It's Here to Stay
Moderator: Nick Falgiatore (Mission Critical Partners)
Panelists: Dan Deveson (Shared Solutions Technology LLC), Alan Tilles (Law Offices of Alan Tilles)
Location: W230B
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, LMR, P25, Private Networks, Regulatory, Spectrum
Format: Panel Session
BKR 9000 + InteropONE = Practical PTT over Broadband
Presenter: James Teel (BK Technologies)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Interoperability, LMR, PTT, TAK
Format: Expo Theater Session
CISA's Cybersecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET) with PSAPs
Moderator: Derek Nesselrode (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Panelists: Joni Harvey (Michigan State Police), Chris Maiers (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: Cybersecurity, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Getting Deployable Solutions Where and When Needed
Moderator: Donny Jackson (IWCE's Urgent Communications)
Panelists: Lauren Flanagan (Sesame Solar), Tim O'Connell (Rescue 42, Inc.), Calvin Jackson (Verizon), John Goocher (Nextivity)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Drones, Interoperability, LMR, Project Management, PTT, Satellite, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Integrating Private LTE into your LMR System
Moderator: Budge Currier (State of California Governor's Office of Emergency Services)
Panelists: Brad Stoddard (State of Michigan), Steve Miller (The Digital Decision), Bogdan Frusina (Dejero), Justin St. Arnauld (Verizon)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, LMR, P25, Private Networks
Format: Panel Session
Moving to a Virtual Dispatch Environment – Lessons from a Panel of Pioneers
Moderator: Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC)
Panelists: Timothy Kane (Arlington 911), Douglas Campbell (City of Alexandria, VA)
Location: W240C
Track: Incident Management, First Responder Communications
Topic: AR & VR, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, IT & OT, NextGen 911
Format: Panel Session
NextGen Advanced Metering Infrastructure - What Cities and Utilities Need to Know
Moderator: Bobbi Harris (Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA))
Panelists: Steve Merrill (Itron), Terry Burnworth (Pyramid Consulting)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities, State & Local Government
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, IoT, Smart-X, SCADA
Format: Panel Session
Succeeding with Diverse Technologies for Transportation: Plan for Ad-Hoc Connections
Moderator: Jon Paul Beauchamp (Icom America)
Panelists: Andrew Maxymillian (Blue Wing Services), Kyle Connor (Powerfull Recharge), Timothy McDowell (Washington State DOT)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, State & Local Government
Topic: Interoperability, Project Management, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
The Big Picture: Automate Your Quality Program to Reduce Liability and Retain Employees
Presenter: Casey Rives (Verint)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: AI, NextGen 911, Situational Awareness
Format: Expo Theater Session
Collect, Maintain, Integrate: Indoor Mapping Workflows for Public Safety
Presenter: Matthew Dondanville (DATAMARK)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: 911 & Alerts, First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, NextGen 911, Video
Format: Expo Theater Session
Can AI Improve Public Safety by Analyzing Voice?
Speaker: Kinuko Masaki (VoiceBrain)
Location: W230B
Track: Incident Management
Topic: AI, Interoperability, PTT, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Coordination, Collaboration and Communication on the Front Lines
Presenters: Joshua S. Gough (U.S. Customs and Border Protection), Jimmy English (Verizon Frontline)
Location: W230C
Track: First Responder Communications, Transportation
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Project Management
Format: Power Session
FCC LMR Enforcement - 50 Years of Technology and Perspective
Speaker: Anderson Bennett (Federal Communications Commission (Ret.))
Location: W230A
Track: Federal Government, First Responder Communications
Topic: LMR, Regulatory, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Interoperability & Data Sharing in 911 Systems
Speaker: Brian Tegtmeyer (NHTSA)
Location: W240C
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: Interoperability, NextGen 911
Format: Power Session
Making Direct Cellphone to Cellphone Communications a Reality with Sidelink
Speakers: Walt Magnussen (Texas A&M University ITEC), Jared Vandenheuvel (Texas Department of Public Safety)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, P25, Private Networks, PTT, Spectrum
Format: Power Session
Operational Cybersecurity Risks for Utilities
Speaker: Neil "Grifter" Wyler (IBM X-Force)
Location: W230D
Track: Utilities
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, IT & OT, IoT, Smart-X, SCADA
Format: Power Session
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
The Future with AI - a panel discussion & continental breakfast, by Women in Comms
Moderator: Susan Ronning (ADCOMM Engineering LLC)
Panelists: Cheryl Giggetts (CTA Consultants LLC), Kinuko Masaki (VoiceBrain), Alison Kahn (NIST)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 4
Format: Networking
Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa)
Speaker: Chris Miller (Heartland Community College)
Location: W224B
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Phil Shoemaker (Light Brigade)
Location: W224C
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Speaker: Bill Bailey (ETA International)
Location: W224A
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Radio Frequency Interference and Mitigation (RFIM)
Speakers: Thomas Brinkoetter (RadioSiteTest), Jay Thompson (Tactical RF)
Location: W224E
Track: ETA Technical Training
Format: ETA Training
Keeping the Order During Disorder
Keynote: Nitin Natarajan (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA))
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity
Format: Keynote
Emerging Tech in the Fire Service
Moderator: Ed Mills (Evergreen Fire Rescue/ESChat)
Panelists: John Butler (Fairfax County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department), Bart van Leeuwen (SATraining EMEA), Peter Burke (Hyannis Fire Department)
Location: Tangerine Ballroom 2
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: AI, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, IoT, LMR, Situational Awareness, Smart-X, System Resiliency
Format: Keynote
Location: Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Hall E
Format: Event Hours
5G Network Slicing: A Look to the Future
Presenter: Brian Mecum (Verizon)
Location: W230B
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Private Networks
Format: Power Session
AI-Assisted 911 Call Diversion
Presenter: Brady Lavin (Corti)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: AI, NextGen 911
Format: Power Session
Broadband Migration Case Studies from Around the World of Transportation
Speaker: Jamie Bishop (Tait Communications)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation
Topic: Backhaul, Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, LMR, Project Management, PTT, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Conquering Topography Challenges: Delaware County's Breakthrough in PS Comms
Speaker: Fernando Fernandes de Carvalho (DAMM)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, P25, Private Networks
Format: Power Session
HPUE Technology Delivers Widespread Connectivity for Critical Communications
Speakers: Michiel Lotter (Nextivity), John Goocher (Nextivity), Tom Wedding (Williams)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: FirstNet
Format: Power Session
All Aboard the FRMCS Express! Navigating the Future of Railway Communications
Moderator: Ildefonso De La Cruz Morales (Omdia)
Panelists: Anatoli Levine (Softil Inc.), Kevin Graham (The Critical Communications Association (TCCA)), Giacomo Bergamini (Leonardo Cyber & Security Solutions)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation
Topic: Broadband, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Private Networks, Smart-X, Spectrum, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
Behold, A New Ecosystem: 5G and Mobile Network Deployment for PSC?
Speaker: Terry Burnworth (Pyramid Consulting)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications, 911 & Alerts
Topic: Broadband, Interoperability, LMR, Project Management, PTT, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Cybersecurity by Design - Applying Cyber Informed Engineering Principles and Practices
Moderator: Susan Ronning (ADCOMM Engineering LLC)
Panelists: Ben Amaba, PhD (Sonatype), Virginia "Ginger" Wright (Idaho National Laboratory), Col. Joseph Gilbert (U.S. Navy)
Location: W230B
Track: Federal Government, State & Local Government
Topic: Cybersecurity, Interoperability, IT & OT, Project Management, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Panel Session
NG911, Cloud Services, and the PSAP of the Future
Presenter: John Persano (AWS, Justice and Public Safety)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, Incident Management
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, NextGen 911
Format: Power Session
Presenters: Fraser Pajak (TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)), Chris Sanders (Verizon)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Drones, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Expo Theater Session
Controlling Critical Equipment from the Vehicle Screen
Speaker: Agustin Almansi (VNC Automotive)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Interoperability, IoT, Video
Format: Power Session
MCPTT IWF: 3GPP Technologies to Extend LMR Coverage
Presenters: Keith Redlin (Samsung Electronics America), Timothy Paul (Samsung Electronics America)
Location: W230D
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, LMR, PTT
Format: Power Session
What Could Go Wrong? Importance of a Solid Maintenance Contract
Speaker: Ramya Doraisamy (Altairis Technology Partners LLC)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Utilities
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, LMR, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Broadband PTT & Next-Generation LMR Interoperability
Presenters: Josh Lober (ESChat), Roman Kaluta (JPS Interoperability Solutions, Inc.)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Private Networks, PTT
Format: Expo Theater Session
Case Study: Interoperability into Statewide P25 Network Without Vendor Lock-Ins
Speaker: Tina Mucha (Omnitronics Inc.)
Location: W230B
Track: Federal Government, State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, Funding, Interoperability, P25, PTT, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Challenges When Adopting AI to Support Situational Awareness in Emergency Response
Speaker: Bart van Leeuwen (SATraining EMEA)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: AI, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Cyber Risk and Mitigation in Smart Transportation Vehicles (V2X)
Moderator: Adam Sewall (Waterleaf International LLC)
Panelists: Chrissie Collins (Waterleaf International LLC), Kenneth Shiver (Florida Department of Transportation), Omar Faruk (HNTB Corporation), Ronald Meyer (AtkinsRéalis)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, State & Local Government
Topic: AI, Backhaul, Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Drones, Interoperability, IT & OT, IoT, LMR, P25, Private Networks, Project Management, PTT, SCADA, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Panel Session
Transitioning to NG911 Capabilities – What Does Your PSAP Need to Upgrade?
Moderator: Chris Moore (Brooks Bawden Moore)
Panelists: Jeremy Hill (NTIA -- OPSC), Fabricio Velez (INdigital), Steve Raucher (RapidDeploy), Eric Hagerson (T-Mobile)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts, First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, IoT, NextGen 911, Video
Format: Panel Session
NG911 Leveraging End-to-End Public Cloud - SaaS
Presenter: Eric Caddy (NGA)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: 911 & Alerts, Incident Management
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Interoperability, NextGen 911, Situational Awareness
Format: Expo Theater Session
Why Industry Leaders Rely on Sinch for a Robust Network to Support NG911 Applications
Presenters: Chris Knights (Sinch), Scott Luallin (Sinch)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: 911 & Alerts, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, NextGen 911, Regulatory, System Resiliency
Format: Expo Theater Session
Bringing to Light: The Changes in the Tower Lighting World
Presenter: Jamie Marsh (LumenServe Inc.)
Location: Emerging Tech & Innovation Stage
Track: State & Local Government
Topic: Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Private Networks
Format: Expo Theater Session
Bridging the Gaps: Integrating Your Tech to Optimize Operational Execution
Speaker: Patrick Foley (3AM Innovations)
Location: W230D
Track: Incident Management
Topic: FirstNet, Interoperability, IoT, Regulatory, Situational Awareness, Video
Format: Power Session
Is Your Operations Center Cyber Safe? A Transportation Use Case
Speakers: John Contestabile (Skyline Technology Solutions), Christina Majernick (Skyline Technology Solutions)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, State & Local Government
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, IT & OT, Smart-X, Video
Format: Power Session
Unraveling 6GHz Microwave Interference: Case Studies in WiFi 6E Impact
Speaker: Catherine Liu (
Location: W230B
Track: Federal Government, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, Critical Infrastructure, Interoperability, Spectrum
Format: Power Session
Using Body-Worn Satellite Technology to Drive Situational Awareness at Large-Scale Events
Speaker: James Kubik (Somewear Labs)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, Incident Management
Topic: Satellite, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency, TAK
Format: Power Session
5 Ways to Ensure Public-Safety Communications Network Resiliency
Speaker: Daniel Barton (Alive Telecom)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Delivering Next-Gen Situational Awareness for Mega Events
Speakers: Matt Falla (Parallel), Matteo Bottini (Ikosaeder)
Location: W230C
Track: Transportation, Incident Management
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Project Management, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Emergency Response Innovation: How Cloud Connectivity Ensures Safer Streets
Speaker: Christopher Watkins (Whelen Engineering)
Location: W230B
Track: Federal Government, Transportation
Topic: Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, Smart-X
Format: Power Session
Enhancing Responder Safety at a Crash Through Interoperability
Speaker: Brian Tegtmeyer (NHTSA)
Location: W230D
Track: Incident Management
Topic: Interoperability, NextGen 911, Smart-X
Format: Power Session
Mission Critical Push-To-Talk using Terrestrial and Satellite for First Responders
Speaker: Steve Hailey (Network Innovations)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Broadband, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, PTT, Satellite, System Resiliency
Format: Power Session
Advancing the GIS Basemap Workflow
Speaker: Rodger Mann (RapidDeploy)
Location: W230D
Track: 911 & Alerts
Topic: NextGen 911, Situational Awareness
Format: Power Session
Edge Computing in Public Safety: Maximizing Connected Vehicle Performance
Speaker: Simon Ingram (TE Connectivity)
Location: W240C
Track: First Responder Communications
Topic: Broadband, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, P25, PTT, Spectrum
Format: Power Session
Public Safety – Situational Awareness: Technology, Training and Teamwork
Speaker: Mark Cady (LB Comms - LLC)
Location: W240A
Track: First Responder Communications, State & Local Government
Topic: Backhaul, Cloud Connectivity, Critical Infrastructure, FirstNet, Interoperability, LMR, P25, Project Management, PTT, Situational Awareness, System Resiliency, Video
Format: Power Session